I unfold on blank sheets of paper
When the sheets of my mind are crumpled balls of scratches and eraser scuff marks.

I’ve become pages floating on seas, where waves whisk words away from me,
They float like letters in alphabet soup
but free
Back then I would create waves with a spoon to give voice to the silence
‘Stop playing with your food’’ rippled a marginalization of words,
A swallowing of fragments
That continued
past the soup bowls of my childhood,
Nicking veins and arteries,
Bearing butterflies with glass wings in the pits of my stomach.

I. Need. To.
CREATE a suitable space for their release…
I struggled
on and off paper.
And why wouldn’t I?
With its box-like shape, I never thought I’d find liberation
But flat white boxes are illusions of space and all Art needs is the illusion of space.

Today I turn a fresh leaf, creating waves with a pen
For like a blank canvas to an artist, a blank paper to a writer is limitless.

  • Racquel Griffith est un jeune poète barbadienne qui poursuit actuellement une maîtrise en relations internationales à l'Université du Zhejiang en Chine. Elle a remporté conjointement un prix Irving Burgie à la Barbade et une bourse d'études Canada-CARICOM en leadership qui lui a permis d'étudier à l'Université Concordia pour son B.A. en littérature. Elle rêve de promouvoir des projets d'engagement pour l'alphabétisation et l'art littéraire à l'échelle internationale.

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